Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
By participating, we'll add you to our team tracker (simple Google doc right now). That document will be shared amongst everyone participating, and we'll use it to track activity and country you're located in, along with how each of the teams are performing.
We'll also send periodic emails leading up to the specific month's "Push-Day" (last day of every month).
The hope / plan is to begin offering incentives in those emails as well. Those might include giveaways, discounts to top brands, etc.
As many, or as few, as you want / are able to do. This is all about challenging yourself while coming together as a global team to accomplish something much larger.
If you do 1 push-up on February 29, awesome. If you do 1,000 that day, awesome. Every single push-up counts.
No, you don't have to. The benefit to signing up ahead of the Push-Day is that you will receive periodic email updates. On this month's Push-Day (last day of the month), however, you can certainly participate and simply input your push-up / running / walking total (input form will be available the last day of the month).
We will only share the Username you input (think like a screen-name), the country you are located in, the team you're on (if you are part of a specific team), and how many push-ups / how much distance you covered. Your email will remain private.
No, you don't have to do anything. We are hopeful that you will help us achieve one / both of our monthly goals, but we understand that not everyone wants to participate. If you simply want to join the team to track our progress and have access to our shared tracker, while also investigating any incentives we're offering, feel free.
Yes they do. The purpose is to get people moving and do any sort of push-up. So if push-ups on your knees or push-ups against a wall are what works best for you, then that works for us.
We'll try again the next month! There is no reason this cannot go on forever. So as long as there are people on earth, we will be challenging people / ourselves to accomplish big things.
Not necessarily.
We don't want to irritate people that no longer want to participate, or don't want to participate in a particular month. So, we'll always offer the ability to register again and again.
We have begun asking if participants would like to remain on our list, as part of the sign-up process, so that you don't need to sign up every single month.
Simple. All you need to do is register on our homepage and input a team name. From there, you can have any number of people join that same team -- they just need to enter the same team name that you did.
Teams can be any number of people and they can participate in any of our events.